Tentative schedule for CIS 351

Note: Follow this link for additional information about each video including

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 10 Jan. Course Overview
Truth Tables
Circuit Overview
How to build logic gates
Use of Binary
Hexadecimal and Base Conversions
Video 0
Sections 1.1 - 1.5
Video 1 (CL1, CL3a)
Video 2 (HW1)
Video 3 (NR1c,d)
Video 4 (NR1)
Video 5 (NR3, NR4)
Flippy bit A hexadecimal game
Tom Lehrer's "New Math"
Assign First Day Survey
Assign In-Class 1: Conversions
Assign In-Class 2: Truth Tables and PLAs
Assign Homework 1: Relays
Assign Homework 2: Introduction to Digital Logic
Assign More Conversion Practice
Tue. 11 Jan. Lab: Tools Assign Lab 1: Tools
Wed. 12 Jan. Truth tables / "Big Hammer"
Failure of Big Hammer to Scale
Combinatorial Circuits
Other Gates
Boolean Expressions
Video 6 Section 2.4
Video 7 Sections 2.1, 2.4, and 2.5 (CL3b)
Video 8 Sections 1.5.5 and 1.5.6
Video 9 Section 2.2 (CL3c,d)
Due First Day Survey
Assign In-Class 3: Combinatorial Circuits
Fri. 14 Jan. Functional Completeness
Busses / Bitwise logic operations
Video 10 (FC1)
Section 2.9
Assign In-Class 4: Functional Completeness
Assign In-Class 5: Busses and Bitwise Operations
Discuss HW2 #2-8
Due Lab 1: Tools
Due Homework 1: Relays
2 Mon. 17 Jan. No Class
Tue. 18 Jan. Lab: Combinatorial Circuits Assign Lab 2: Introduction to Digital Logic
Wed. 19 Jan. Adders
Propagation Delay
Time of Circuits
Circuit Size
Video 11 Section 5.2
Video 12 Section 1.6 (CL4)
Video 13 Section 2.9
Video 14
Assign In-Class 6: Adder
Assign In-Class 7: Propagation Delay
Due Homework 2: Introduction to Digital Logic
Fri. 21 Jan.
3 Mon. 24 Jan. Carry Lookahead Adder Video 15a,
Video 15b, Section 5.2 (ADD3cl)
Due Lab 2: Introduction to Digital Logic
Tue. 25 Jan. Lab: Unsigned Adder
Quiz 1: Conversions and
      Comb. Circuit Fundamentals
(NR3, NR4,
CL2, CL3)
Assign Lab 3: Unsigned Adder
Assign Project 1: Build an Adder
Wed. 26 Jan. Carry Lookahead Adder
Carry Select Adder
"Hybrid" adders / size/time tradeoff
Diminishing returns
Video 15a,
Video 15b, Section 5.2 (ADD3cl)
Video 16 (ADD3cs)
Assign In-Class 9: AdvancedAdders
Fri. 28 Jan. Signed Integers / Two's Complement
Signed Addition
Video 18 Section 1.4.6 (NR2)
Video 19 (ADD4)
Assign In-Class 8: Two's Complement
4 Mon. 31 Jan. Mulitplexors
2-to-1 mux is functionally complete
Boolean Algebra
Video 22 (CL5)
Section 2.3 (BA1)
Due Lab 3: Unsigned Adder
Assign Homework 3: Boolean Algebra
Tue. 1 Feb. Lab: Work on Project 1
      Begin Project 2
Quiz 2:
CL4, ADD3, FC1, [CL1, CL2, CL3]
Assign Project 1: Build an Adder
Assign Project 2: Build a Subtractor and SLT
Wed. 2 Feb. ALUs
Complex Combinatorial Circuits
Video 22 (CL5)
Video 23 Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 (SL1)
Assign In-Class 10: Circuit with Choices
Fri. 4 Feb. Assign In-Class 11: SR-Latch
Discuss HW #3
5 Mon. 7 Feb. Clocks and Clocked Latches Video 24 (SL2)
Clocked D Latch
Due Project 1: Build an Adder
Tue. 8 Feb. Quiz 3:
Sequential Circuits Lab (Part 1)
NR2, ADD4, [CL4, ADD3, FC1] Assign Lab 4: Sequential Circuits
Wed. 9 Feb. Flip-Flops
Sequential Circuits
Video 25 Section 3.2.3 (SL2)
Video 26 Sections 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 (SL4, SL6)
Assign In-Class 12: Flip Flop Timing
Assign Homework 4: Sequential Circuits
Due Homework 3: Boolean Algebra
Fri. 11 Feb. Flip-Flops
Sequential Circuits
Video 25 Section 3.2.3 (SL2)
Video 26 Sections 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 (SL4, SL6)
6 Mon. 14 Feb. Finite state Machines
Intro to CPU Design, Words, and Registers
Video 27
Video 28 Sections 7.1 and 7.3.1
Discuss HW4 #1-5
Tue. 15 Feb. Sequential Circuit Lab (Part 2)
Quiz 4:
CL5, BA1 [NR2, ADD4] Assign Lab 4: Sequential Circuits
Wed. 16 Feb. Machine languge and MIPS R-type
Fetch/Execute cycle
Video 29 Section 6.3
Video 30 Sections 7.1.3 and 7.3.1
Assign Project 3: Build an ALU
Due Project 2: Build a Subtractor and SLT
Fri. 18 Feb. Generating and Loading Machine Code Video 31 Discuss HW4 #6-8
7 Mon. 21 Feb. Assembly Basics
Intro to MIPS Assembly
Video 34 Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4.1
Due Lab 4: Sequential Circuits
Assign In-Class 13: Assembly Intro
Discuss HW4 #9-11
Tue. 22 Feb. Assembly Intro Lab
Quiz 5:
Video 35
SL1 [CL5, BA1]
Assign Lab 5: Introduction to Assembly
Wed. 23 Feb. I-Type instructions
Design principles
Video 32 Sections 6.5 and 6.7.1
Video 36 Sections 6.3.2, 7.3.2 and 7.3.3
Fri. 25 Feb. Due Homework 4: Sequential Circuits
8 Mon. 28 Feb. Jump
Video 37 Sections 6.3.3, 6.4.2, and 7.3
Video 38 Sections 6.4.2, 6.4.3, and 6.4.4
Due Lab 5: Introduction to Assembly
Tue. 1 Mar. Computer Instruction Types Assign Lab 6: Computer Instruction Types
Wed. 2 Mar. Branch
Writing assembly with branches
Quiz 6:
Video 38 Sections 6.4.2, 6.4.3, and 6.4.4
SL2, SL4 [SL1]
Assign In-Class 14: Branches
Assign Homework 5: Branches
Due Project 3: Build an ALU
Fri. 4 Mar. Assign Project 4: Build Single Cycle CPU
9 Mon. 14 Mar. Design principles
Load and Store
Sections 6.3.2, 7.3.2 and 7.3.3
Section 6.4.5
Due Lab 6: Computer Instruction Types
Tue. 15 Mar. Loops and Memory Assign Lab 7: Loops and Memory
Wed. 16 Mar. using .data in Assembly
Load Store implementation
Writing assembly with loops and memory
Section 6.4.5
Assign Homework 6: Single Cycle CPU
Assign In-Class 15: Loops
Fri. 18 Mar. Quiz 7: SL6, AL2 [SL2, SL4]
10 Mon. 21 Mar. Control Wires Single Cycle Control Wires Due Homework 5: Branches
Assign In-Class 16: Control Wires
Tue. 22 Mar. Loops and Memory (part 2)
(Also time to work on Project 4)
Assign Lab 7: Loops and Memory
Wed. 23 Mar. Function calls
Clobbered Registers
Using "s" registers
Heap and Stack
Video 39 Section 6.4.6
Video 40
Video 41
Section 6.4.6
Fri. 25 Mar. Quiz 8: AL3, AL4, AL5 [SL6, AL2]
11 Mon. 28 Mar. Single Cycle Performance
Sections 7.2 and 7.3.4 Due Lab 7: Loops and Memory
Tue. 29 Mar. Recursion   Assign Lab 8: Recursion
Wed. 30 Mar. RAM
SRAM Implementation
DRAM Implementation
Memory layout
Section 8.1
Section 8.3
Due Homework 6: Single Cycle CPU
Fri. 1 Apr. Memory Heirarchy
Motivation for caches
Direct Mapped Cache
Cache Block Size
Video 45 Section 8.1
Memory Heirarchy
Video 46 Section 8.3
Video 47
12 Mon. 4 Apr. Set Associative caches
Cache replacement policy
LRU and Pseudo-LRU
Video 49 Section 8.3
Video 50
Video 51
Due Lab 8: Recursion
Due Project 4 (Phase 1)
Tue. 5 Apr. Cache Lab (part 1) Assign Lab 9: Cache (part 1)
Wed. 6 Apr. LRU and Pseudo-LRU
Split/Unified cache
Write Through / Write Back cache
Video 51
Assign Homework 7: Cache
Fri. 8 Apr. Quiz 9: SS3, SS4, SS5, [AL3, AL4, AL5]
13 Mon. 11 Apr. Pipelining
Data Hazards
Intro to Pipelining
Step through pipelined program
Due Lab 9: Cache (part 1)
Due Project 4: Build Single Cycle CPU
Tue. 12 Apr. Cache Lab (part 2)   Assign Lab 10: Cache (part 2)
Wed. 13 Apr. Pipelining
Data Hazards
Control Hazards
Pipeline speedup / Limitations
Intro to Pipelining
Step through pipelined program
Due Homework 7: Cache
Assign Homework 8: Pipeline Implementation
Assign Homework 9: Pipeline Performance
Fri. 15 Apr. Quiz 10: M2, M3, M4, [SS3, SS4, SS5] Due Lab 10: Cache (part 2)
14 Mon. 18 Apr. More Single Cycle Performance
Sections 7.2 and 7.3.4
Tue. 19 Apr. Pipelining Assign Lab 11: Pipeline
Wed. 20 Apr. Interrupts
Karnaugh Maps
K-Map Introduction
4-variable K-map
Due Homework 8: Pipeline Implementation
Due Homework 9: Pipeline Performance
Due Lab 10: Cache (part 2)
Fri. 22 Apr. Quiz 11: P1, P2 [M2, M3, M4] Due Lab 11: Pipeline
15 Mon. 25 Apr. Final Exam: 2:00 p.m. (For Section 01 meeting MWF at 3:00)
Tue. 26 Apr.
Wed. 27 Apr. Final Exam: 8:00 a.m. (For Section 03 meeting MWF at 9:00)
Fri. 29 Apr.

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Wed. 12 Jan. First Day Survey
Fri. 14 Jan. Homework 1: Relays
Wed. 19 Jan. Homework 2: Introduction to Digital Logic Problems 9 - 12 only
Mon. 7 Feb. Project 1: Build an Adder
Wed. 9 Feb. Homework 3: Boolean Algebra Problems 8h, 8i, and 8j only
Wed. 16 Feb. Project 2: Build a Subtractor and SLT
Fri. 25 Feb. Homework 4: Sequential Circuits Problems 12, 13, and 14 only
Wed. 2 Mar. Project 3: Build an ALU
Mon. 21 Mar. Homework 5: Branches
Wed. 30 Mar. Homework 6: Single Cycle CPU Please work in pairs.
Mon. 4 Apr. Project 4 (Phase 1)
Mon. 11 Apr. Project 4: Build Single Cycle CPU Please work in pairs
Wed. 13 Apr. Homework 7: Cache Problems 1 - 6 only.
Wed. 20 Apr. Homework 9: Pipeline Performance Not due for credit
Wed. 20 Apr. Homework 8: Pipeline Implementation


Date Name Details
Tue. 11 Jan. Lab 1: Tools Individual assignment
Tue. 18 Jan. Lab 2: Introduction to Digital Logic
Tue. 25 Jan. Lab 3: Unsigned Adder
Tue. 15 Feb. Lab 4: Sequential Circuits
Tue. 22 Feb. Lab 5: Introduction to Assembly
Tue. 1 Mar. Lab 6: Computer Instruction Types
Tue. 22 Mar. Lab 7: Loops and Memory
Tue. 29 Mar. Lab 8: Recursion
Tue. 5 Apr. Lab 9: Cache (part 1)
Tue. 12 Apr. Lab 10: Cache (part 2)
Tue. 19 Apr. Lab 11: Pipeline

Updated Sunday, 24 April 2022, 7:09 PM

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