CIS 351

Project 3: Build an ALU

Winter 2022

Combine your adder, adder/subtracter, and comparator from previous projects into a single ALU. Notice that you will not be implementing the ALU described in the textbook. Your ALU will have different operations and op codes.

Your ALU must perform the following 16-bit operations:

Unsigned addition 0
Unsigned subtraction 1
And 2
Or 3
Not 4
Xor 5
lui 6
sltu 7
Signed addition 8
Signed subtraction 9
slt 15

Hints and shortcuts


You are expected to revise your circuits and analysis documents until both (1) the automated tests pass, and (2) your circuit design and layout have earned a score of "E" or "M". Project "Late Days" will accumulate until both requirements have been satisfied. Remember: There are two separate sets of tests to run.

You can accumulate up to -1 Late Days if you project meets all requirements before the deadline. (Negative Late Days can be used to offset any Late Days acquired on other projects or labs.)


To submit your project:

  1. Add a text box to your jls files that includes the names of everybody on the team.
  2. Commit and push your code.
  3. When your code passes all my tests, add [Grade Me] to the commit message.

Updated Thursday, 27 January 2022, 11:51 AM

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