Tentative schedule for CIS 451

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 7 Jan. Introduction
CPU performance
History and Benchmarking
P&H Sections 1.6 and 1.8
Assign First Day Survey
Assign Homework 1: Single Cycle Performance
Wed. 9 Jan. More CPU performance
Performance of Single Cycle CPU
H&H Section 7.3.4 Due First Day Survey
Fri. 11 Jan. MIPS with and without offsets Assign Homework 2: Single Cycle Performance
2 Mon. 14 Jan. Benchmarks
More Performance Examples
Due Homework 1: Single Cycle Performance
Wed. 16 Jan. Word Size
Number of Registers
Fixed vs. Variable width instructions
Architecture, Language, and Compiler History Assign Homework 3: Intel Machine Language
Fri. 18 Jan. Addressing Modes
Which addressing modes to support
H&H Section 6.5; P&H Section 2.10 Due Homework 2: Single Cycle Performance
Due Quiz 1: Architecture, Language, and Compiler History
3 Mon. 21 Jan. No Class
Wed. 23 Jan. Load/Store vs. Register/Memory
Multi-cycle CPU
H&H Section 7.4
Fri. 25 Jan. Microcode Microcode
4 Mon. 28 Jan. Snow Day! Due Practice Test 1:
Due Homework 3: Intel Machine Language
Assign Homework 4: Multicycle Microcode
Wed. 30 Jan. Cold Day!
Fri. 1 Feb. What were they thinking?
5 Mon. 4 Feb. Microcode Homework
Multi-cycle Performance
Wed. 6 Feb. Test Review
Pipeline review
Assign Homework 5: Multicycle CPU
Fri. 8 Feb. Test 1
6 Mon. 11 Feb. Pipeline Review HH Chapter 7; PH 4.5-4.8
Wed. 13 Feb. Branch Prediction Agner Fog's microarchitecture guide (Read Section 3) Due Homework 4: Multicycle Microcode
Fri. 15 Feb. Dynamic Branch Prediciton
7 Mon. 18 Feb. Two-Level adapative branch prediction Due Homework 5: Multicycle CPU
Assign Homework 6: Branch Prediction
Assign Practice Test 2:
8 Mon. 25 Feb. Test Review Due Homework 6: Branch Prediction
Wed. 27 Feb. Guest Lecture Due Practice Test 2:
Due Homework 7: Two Level Adaptive Predictor
Fri. 1 Mar. Test 2
9 Mon. 11 Mar. Intel Pipeline Agner Fog Optimization manual pages 9-11, 71-86, and 149-158
Wed. 13 Mar. Tomasulo's algorithm
Fri. 15 Mar. More Intel Pipeline
10 Mon. 18 Mar. Examine Intel Performance Assign Presentaton
Assign Extra Credit
Wed. 20 Mar. Energy
Fri. 22 Mar. I/O
Cache Coherance
Assign Practice Test 3:
11 Mon. 25 Mar. Vector Processing Assign Homework 8: Vector Processing (AVX)
Wed. 27 Mar. Vector Processing
Fri. 29 Mar. Cache Coherence Due Practice Test 3:
12 Mon. 1 Apr. Cache Coherence Test 3
Wed. 3 Apr. Cache Coherence Due Presentation Proposal
Due Homework 8: Vector Processing (AVX)
Fri. 5 Apr. Quantum Computing Due Extra Credit
13 Mon. 8 Apr. Quantum Computing Assign Practice Final :
Wed. 10 Apr. Quantum Computing
Fri. 12 Apr. Review
14 Mon. 15 Apr. Presentations Due Presentaton
Wed. 17 Apr. Presentations
Fri. 19 Apr. Presentations Due Practice Final :
15 Mon. 22 Apr.

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Wed. 9 Jan. First Day Survey
Mon. 14 Jan. Homework 1: Single Cycle Performance (Problems 1 and 2 only)
Fri. 18 Jan. Homework 2: Single Cycle Performance (Problems 3 through 6)
Fri. 18 Jan. Quiz 1: Architecture, Language, and Compiler History
Mon. 28 Jan. Homework 3: Intel Machine Language
Mon. 28 Jan. Practice Test 1: (not due for credit)
Wed. 13 Feb. Homework 4: Multicycle Microcode
Mon. 18 Feb. Homework 5: Multicycle CPU
Mon. 25 Feb. Homework 6: Branch Prediction (only 1, 2, 4, and 5 due for credit.)
Wed. 27 Feb. Practice Test 2: (not due for credit)
Wed. 27 Feb. Homework 7: Two Level Adaptive Predictor
Fri. 29 Mar. Practice Test 3: (not due for credit)
Wed. 3 Apr. Presentation Proposal
Wed. 3 Apr. Homework 8: Vector Processing (AVX)
Fri. 5 Apr. Extra Credit
Mon. 15 Apr. Presentaton
Fri. 19 Apr. Practice Final : (not due for credit)


Date Name Details

Updated Friday, 12 April 2019, 1:23 PM

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