CIS 451

Semester Presentation

Winter 2019

In teams of two, prepare a 15 minute presentation on some computer architecture-related topic of interest to you. Your presentation should synthesize information from several sources. (Teams of three or more will be considered for large topics. Total presentation time will increase 8 minutes for every person over two.)
Proposal:Monday, 1 April 2019
Presentation: Monday, 15 April 2019 (Last Monday of class)
Send me an e-mail by Monday, 1 April telling me (a) who you are working with, and (b) what your topic is.
Apply the Golden Rule to your presentation: Give the type of presentation that you would enjoy watching. Don't simply read your notes. Instead, be sure to use some visuals: whiteboard, overheads, PowerPoint, etc. (Although, take care not to let your presentation degenerate into reading PowerPoint slides.) Better yet, make your presentation interactive: Ask questions of the audience, or have a group activity. Feel free to have fun and make the audience laugh; just keep in mind that your primary goal is to teach the audience.
Your presentation should incorporate and synthesize material from five different sources. (I may approve a smaller number for certain topics.) At least two of those sources must be available in hard copy (i.e., not just a web page). You don't necessarily need to obtain the hard copy (for example, you may download an electronic copy of a research paper), but the source must have been published somewhere besides the web.

Wikipedia itself not a reliable source; however, it is a good source of references.

The presentation will be worth 5% of your overall grade. I will grade your presentations using this rubric.
Each topic may be covered by only one group per class. Topics will be chosen first-come, first-serve; so, e-mail me when you know what you want to do. Here are some topic ideas: (You are, of course, welcome to suggest different topics.) Your presentation must go beyond what was covered in class.

Yes, you may team up with students in other sections. Just be sure you are both available to present at 9:00 or 10:00

Chosen Topics:

Monday 10:00
  1. Ryan and Chad: Effect of compiliers
  2. Ryan and Logan: Storage technologies
  3. Patrick and Jeff: Incorporating FPGA into CPUS/GPUs
Wednesday 9:00
  1. Greg and William: Pepsi vs. Coke
Wednesday 10:00
  1. Ben and Parker S.: Quantum Computing
  2. Matt and Nolan: Quantum Tunneling / Paramagnetic effect
  3. Sierra and Tressa: How transistors work
Friday 9:00
  1. Aly, Kanoa, Dan: Low power issues.
  2. Gionata, Troy, and Jacob: Transistors
Friday 10:00
  1. Cameron and Rose: Thermal Design Power
  2. Parker P. and John: RISC V
  3. Trung and Colton: New Memory tecnology

Updated Friday, 5 April 2019, 3:03 PM

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