Tentative schedule for CIS 658

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Thu. 10 Jan. Introduction
Key ideas of the Original WWW
Basics of Networking
Introduction to HTTP
Original WWW Proposal
Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine
Chapters 1 and 4 in this Free IBM ebook
HTTP: The protocol Ever Web Developer Must Know
Progressive Web App Video
Responsive Web Design
Assign Homework 1: Explore HTTP
Due Reading 1: Week 1 Reading
2 Thu. 17 Jan. More HTTP
Web Server
Content Sniffing
CGI (query string, GET, POST)
| Content Sniffing
Due Homework 1: Explore HTTP
Assign Project : Semester Project
Assign Homework 2: Ruby
3 Thu. 24 Jan. More GET/POST
More Ruby
Introduction to Frameworks
The Rails Doctrine
HTML Tutorial
Due Homework 2: Ruby
Assign Homework 3: Rails Tutorial
4 Thu. 31 Jan. Campus Closed
Associating Tables
Rails command line
Association Basics
Rails Command Line
Due Homework 3: Rails Tutorial
Assign Homework 4: Bug Tracker
5 Thu. 7 Feb. HTML
Time for rails questions
HTML Tutorial
Due Homework 4: Bug Tracker
Assign Homework 5: CSS
6 Thu. 14 Feb. Javascript Due Homework 5: CSS
Assign Homework 6: Javascript
7 Thu. 21 Feb. Responsive Web Design
Ethan Marcotte article
Due Project : Project Description
Due Homework 6: Javascript
Assign Homework : Midterm Review
Assign Homework 7: Bootstrap
8 Thu. 28 Feb. Guest Speaker: Everett Schoenborn
Due Homework : Midterm Review
9 Thu. 14 Mar. Rails API
Javascript closures
Due Homework 7: Bootstrap
Assign Homework 8: AJAX
10 Thu. 21 Mar. React Due Homework 8: AJAX
Assign Homework 9: React part 1
11 Thu. 28 Mar. React
Web Services vs REST
Due Homework 9: React part 1
12 Thu. 4 Apr. Same-Origin
13 Thu. 11 Apr. Testing
Javascript Promises
14 Thu. 18 Apr. Final Exam

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Thu. 10 Jan. Reading 1: Week 1 Reading (Not due for credit.)
Thu. 17 Jan. Homework 1: Explore HTTP
Thu. 24 Jan. Homework 2: Ruby
Thu. 31 Jan. Homework 3: Rails Tutorial Complete the tutorial and demo in class
Thu. 7 Feb. Homework 4: Bug Tracker
Thu. 14 Feb. Homework 5: CSS
Thu. 21 Feb. Homework 6: Javascript
Thu. 21 Feb. Project : Project Description One page description due
Thu. 28 Feb. Homework : Midterm Review (Not due for credit. Watch for updates.)
Thu. 14 Mar. Homework 7: Bootstrap
Thu. 21 Mar. Homework 8: AJAX (1) Add XML and JSON to your bugs Rails app (2) write a simple web page with an AJAX call to consume the data from an API call.
Thu. 28 Mar. Homework 9: React part 1 Write a simple React front-end for your Bugs app
Thu. 25 Apr. Project : Semester Project


Date Name Details

Updated Friday, 12 April 2019, 1:18 PM

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