Please read the following articles and answer the questions below. Your answers are not due for credit; but, be prepared to discuss the articles in class.
- Original WWW Proposal
- Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine (You will need to be logged into the GVSU library in order to access this article's full text.)
- HTTP: The protocol Ever Web Developer Must Know
- Progressive Web App Video (focus on the first 8 minutes)
- Responsive Web Design
- Chapters 1 and 4 in this Free IBM ebook (This should be review from CIS 654.)
- Stack Overflow article about URIs, URLs and URNs
- For whom was Tim Berners-Lee working when he came up with the idea for the WWW?
- Describe the main problem he was trying to solve.
- What are the two key ideas upon which the WWW is built?
- Which of these two key ideas does Berners Lee focus more on in his original paper?
- What are two competitors to the WWW described in the 1994 paper?
- List some advantages and disadvantages of these competing systems.
- Which points from "the future" have come true? Which have not?
- How much did the WWW grow from 1993 to 1994?
- What does it mean for HTTP to be a "stateless" protocol?
- What is responsive web design?
- What is a Progressive Web App?
- What is the difference between a URI and a URL?