CIS 658

Semester Project

Winter 2019

Implement a web app of your choice using either Ruby on Rails or React.

Due: 25 April 2019

Your web app must include the following features:
You must deploy your app on a cloud-based hosting provider (you can deploy free on Heroku as demonstrated in class).
Lightening Talks
Each student will give a 5 – 8 minute presentation on the evening of 18 April. Your talk should consist of a brief overview of the idea underlying your app, the implementation and a live demonstration of the features of your web app.
Grading Rubric
Fully Functional Web App 20
Clean User Interface 20
Fully Responsive 10
AJAX Feature 10
Fully Functional REST API / Documentation 10
Cloud Deployment 10
Testing 10
Final Presentation 10
Total 100


Updated Thursday, 17 January 2019, 10:26 AM

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