Week | Date | Topics | Reading | Milestones | |
1 | Mon. 6 Jan. | Introduction (slides) Proficiency Grading Overview of Web Origins Basics of Networking (notes) Introduction to HTTP HTML (notes) |
General Introduction Video Proficiency Grading Video Original WWW Proposal Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine HTTP: The protocol Ever Web Developer Must Know Textbook Chapters 1-3 |
Due Homework 1: First Day Survey Assign Reading 1: WWW History and Basics Assign Homework 2: Set Up Dev Environment Assign Homework 3: Explore HTTP Assign Project : Semester Project |
2 | Mon. 13 Jan. | Key ideas of the Original WWW CSS Review (slides) |
Original WWW Proposal Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine Textbook Chapters 3, 5, 6 and 7. |
Due Reading 1: WWW History and Basics Due Homework 3: Explore HTTP Assign Homework 4: Explore HTML/CSS |
3 | Mon. 20 Jan. | No Class | Due Homework 2: Set Up Dev Environment Due Homework 4: Explore HTML/CSS |
4 | Mon. 27 Jan. | CSS (continued) Dynamic Web Servers / Frameworks (notes) GET vs Post Templates |
Textbook Chapters 3, 5, 6 and 7. Example Template Code |
Assign Homework 5: ExpressJS | |
5 | Mon. 3 Feb. | Frameworks / Framework Implementation (notes) Model/View/Controller (notes) Ruby (notes) Rails (notes) Rails Resources/CRUD (screencast) |
dynamic_server.py Getting Started with Ruby Ruby & Thomas Introduction and Chapters 1-3 Ruby & Thomas Chapters 5 and 6 |
Assign Homework 6: Rails Part 1 Due Project : Project Description |
Fri. 7 Feb. | Due Homework 5: ExpressJS | ||||
6 | Mon. 10 Feb. | Validation and Testing (notes) Cookies and sessions (notes) Connecting resources (screencast) Error handling |
Ruby & Thomas Chapter 7 Ruby & Thomas Chapters 8 and 9 Ruby & Thomas Chapter 10 |
Due Homework 6: Rails Part 1 Assign Homework 7: Rails Part 2 |
7 | Mon. 17 Feb. | Connecting resources (screencast) Rails sessions / login (notes) Rails transactions Express middleware (notes) Security (notes) Javascript DOM manipulation (notes) |
Ruby & Thomas Chapters 8 and 9 Ruby & Thomas Chapter 14 CSRF The DOM |
Assign Homework 8: Rails Part 3 | |
Fri. 21 Feb. | Due Homework 7: Rails Part 2 | ||||
8 | Mon. 24 Feb. | JavaScript (notes) Javascript DOM manipulation (notes) Single Page Apps (notes) (screencast) Creating web page using JavaScript (screencast) Introduction to JSX (screencast) |
JavaScript The DOM Banks and Porcello Chapter 1 Banks and Porcello Chapters 4 and 5 |
Assign Homework 9: JavaScript DOM | |
Fri. 28 Feb. | Due Homework 8: Rails Part 3 | ||||
9 | Mon. 10 Mar. | React Components and Props (screencast) JavaScript Spread operator (screencast) Using Closures to Save State (screencast) Introduction to State (screencast) ColorList example (notes) Rails API (notes) |
Banks and Porcello Chapters 6, 7 and 8 |
Assign Homework 10: React Parts 1 and 2 | |
Wed. 12 Mar. | Due Homework 9: JavaScript DOM | ||||
10 | Mon. 17 Mar. | JavaScript Promises (notes) More React (notes) CORS (notes) |
Banks and Porcello Chapters 7 and 8 |
Due Homework 10: React Parts 1 and 2 Assign Homework 11: React Parts 3 and 4 |
11 | Mon. 24 Mar. | Testing JavaScript using Jest (notes) End-to-End testing with cucumber (notes) Midterm |
Thu. 27 Mar. | Due Homework 11: React Parts 3 and 4 | ||||
12 | Mon. 31 Mar. | Responsive Web Design (slides) Bootstrap (notes) More cucumber (notes) |
Ethan Marcotte article https://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap5/ https://getbootstrap.com |
13 | Mon. 7 Apr. | HTTP Caching HTTPS SASS/SCSS (notes) Oauth |
https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/what-happens-in-a-tls-handshake/ https://www.w3schools.com/sass/ |
14 | Mon. 14 Apr. | Project Presentations | |||
15 | Mon. 21 Apr. | Project Presentations |
Due | Name | Details |
Mon. 6 Jan. | Homework 1: First Day Survey | |
Mon. 13 Jan. | Reading 1: WWW History and Basics | |
Mon. 13 Jan. | Homework 3: Explore HTTP | |
Mon. 20 Jan. | Homework 2: Set Up Dev Environment | Set up a Linux dev environment with rvm, Ruby, and node.JS |
Mon. 20 Jan. | Homework 4: Explore HTML/CSS | |
Mon. 3 Feb. | Project : Project Description | One page description due |
Fri. 7 Feb. | Homework 5: ExpressJS | |
Mon. 10 Feb. | Homework 6: Rails Part 1 | |
Fri. 21 Feb. | Homework 7: Rails Part 2 | |
Fri. 28 Feb. | Homework 8: Rails Part 3 | |
Wed. 12 Mar. | Homework 9: JavaScript DOM | |
Mon. 17 Mar. | Homework 10: React Parts 1 and 2 | |
Thu. 27 Mar. | Homework 11: React Parts 3 and 4 |
Date | Name | Details |
Updated Sunday, 23 February 2025, 2:20 PM