Tentative schedule for CIS 658

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 6 Jan. Introduction (slides)
Proficiency Grading
Overview of Web Origins
Basics of Networking (notes)
Introduction to HTTP
HTML (notes)
General Introduction Video
Proficiency Grading Video
Original WWW Proposal
Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine
HTTP: The protocol Ever Web Developer Must Know
Textbook Chapters 1-3
Due Homework 1: First Day Survey
Assign Reading 1: WWW History and Basics
Assign Homework 2: Set Up Dev Environment
Assign Homework 3: Explore HTTP
Assign Project : Semester Project
2 Mon. 13 Jan. Key ideas of the Original WWW
CSS Review (slides)
Original WWW Proposal
Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine
Textbook Chapters 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Due Reading 1: WWW History and Basics
Due Homework 3: Explore HTTP
Assign Homework 4: Explore HTML/CSS
3 Mon. 20 Jan. No Class Due Homework 2: Set Up Dev Environment
Due Homework 4: Explore HTML/CSS
4 Mon. 27 Jan. CSS (continued)
Dynamic Web Servers / Frameworks (notes)
GET vs Post
Textbook Chapters 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Example Template Code
Assign Homework 5: ExpressJS
5 Mon. 3 Feb. Frameworks / Framework Implementation (notes)
Model/View/Controller (notes)
Ruby (notes)
Rails (notes)
Rails Resources/CRUD (screencast)
Getting Started with Ruby
Ruby & Thomas Introduction and Chapters 1-3
Ruby & Thomas Chapters 5 and 6
Assign Homework 6: Rails Part 1
Due Project : Project Description
Fri. 7 Feb. Due Homework 5: ExpressJS
6 Mon. 10 Feb. Validation and Testing (notes)
Cookies and sessions (notes)
Connecting resources (screencast)
Error handling
Ruby & Thomas Chapter 7
Ruby & Thomas Chapters 8 and 9
Ruby & Thomas Chapter 10
Due Homework 6: Rails Part 1
Assign Homework 7: Rails Part 2
7 Mon. 17 Feb. Connecting resources (screencast)
Rails sessions / login (notes)
Rails transactions
Express middleware (notes)
Security (notes)
Javascript DOM manipulation (notes)
Ruby & Thomas Chapters 8 and 9
Ruby & Thomas Chapter 14
Assign Homework 8: Rails Part 3
Fri. 21 Feb. Due Homework 7: Rails Part 2
8 Mon. 24 Feb. JavaScript (notes)
Javascript DOM manipulation (notes)
Single Page Apps (notes) (screencast)
Creating web page using JavaScript (screencast)
Introduction to JSX (screencast)
Banks and Porcello Chapter 1
Banks and Porcello Chapters 4 and 5
Assign Homework 9: JavaScript DOM
Fri. 28 Feb. Due Homework 8: Rails Part 3
9 Mon. 10 Mar. React Components and Props (screencast)
JavaScript Spread operator (screencast)
Using Closures to Save State (screencast)
Introduction to State (screencast)
ColorList example (notes)
Rails API (notes)
Banks and Porcello Chapters 6, 7 and 8
Assign Homework 10: React Parts 1 and 2
Wed. 12 Mar. Due Homework 9: JavaScript DOM
10 Mon. 17 Mar. JavaScript Promises (notes)
More React (notes)
CORS (notes)
Banks and Porcello Chapters 7 and 8
Due Homework 10: React Parts 1 and 2
Assign Homework 11: React Parts 3 and 4
11 Mon. 24 Mar. Testing JavaScript using Jest (notes)
End-to-End testing with cucumber (notes)
Thu. 27 Mar. Due Homework 11: React Parts 3 and 4
12 Mon. 31 Mar. Responsive Web Design (slides)
Bootstrap (notes)
More cucumber (notes)
Ethan Marcotte article
13 Mon. 7 Apr. HTTP Caching
SASS/SCSS (notes)
14 Mon. 14 Apr. Project Presentations
15 Mon. 21 Apr. Project Presentations

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Mon. 6 Jan. Homework 1: First Day Survey
Mon. 13 Jan. Reading 1: WWW History and Basics
Mon. 13 Jan. Homework 3: Explore HTTP
Mon. 20 Jan. Homework 2: Set Up Dev Environment Set up a Linux dev environment with rvm, Ruby, and node.JS
Mon. 20 Jan. Homework 4: Explore HTML/CSS
Mon. 3 Feb. Project : Project Description One page description due
Fri. 7 Feb. Homework 5: ExpressJS
Mon. 10 Feb. Homework 6: Rails Part 1
Fri. 21 Feb. Homework 7: Rails Part 2
Fri. 28 Feb. Homework 8: Rails Part 3
Wed. 12 Mar. Homework 9: JavaScript DOM
Mon. 17 Mar. Homework 10: React Parts 1 and 2
Thu. 27 Mar. Homework 11: React Parts 3 and 4


Date Name Details

Updated Sunday, 23 February 2025, 2:20 PM

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