CIS 658

Semester Project

Winter 2025

Implement an web app of your choice. To earn a 'B' or better, your web app must be new and innovative: It must either provide a useful service not currently available in other web apps, or provide an existing service in a new, innovative way.

Proposal Due: Monday, 3 February
Project Due: Monday, 14 April

One of the more challenging (and hopefully fun) aspects of this project is that you are to come up with your own web application idea. While there are general requirements your application must meet (see details below) you are free to innovate and design a web experience that you are personally interested in and passionate about.

Your app must be original and innovative. It is ok to come up with a "better mousetrap," but don't simply replicate an app that already exists. Substantially improving upon an existing app idea or giving it a novel spin of your own is permissible, provided your "novel spin" is functional (as opposed to simply cosmetic), and requires non-trivial additions and/or changes.

You may also take an existing idea and apply it to a new domain, as long as the conversion requires the addition of innovative features. (For example, implementing "Yelp for U-Pick Blueberries" wouldn't make for a good project, because you would be simply copying Yelp and changing the name of some fields.)

To come up with an idea, think about web experiences that frustrate you. What existing sites have missing features (in your opinion)? What web app do you wish somebody would write? Talk to your friends. What apps do they wish somebody would write?

Project Objective
The objective of this project is to allow you to demonstrate your abilities to use the tools and techniques covered in class. Not all web applications will meet this objective. For example, Such applications won't allow you to use enough of the course's tools and techniques.
Use of Previous and/or Collaborative Work
Projects must be entirely your own work. They may not be re-branded tutorials and/or book examples. (For example, you may not take a "Toy Store" tutorial and convert it into a "Book Store" project.) You may also not use any of the examples from this course as the base of your project.

You may use your previous projects (a personal side project, a project for a previous course, even a project from work) as a basis for this project provided:

  1. You disclose that the project is based on previous work, and
  2. the basis project is almost entirely your own work. For example, you may not use a project from previous work if that project was developed by a team.

Projects that are heavily based on the work of others will receive a failing grade.

You may not use ChatGPT or similar software to write any part of your project.

Deadlines and Deliverables
By Monday, 3 February, please submit By Monday, 14 April, please submit
Lightening Talks
Each student will give a 5 – 8 minute presentation during the week of Monday, 14 April. Your talk should consist of a brief overview of the idea underlying your app, the implementation and a live demonstration of the features of your web app.
To earn a "D" To earn a "C", you must meet all the requirements for a D, plus To earn a "B", you must meet all the requirements for a C, plus To earn an "A", you must meet all the requirements for a B, plus

If a requirement doesn't seem to apply to your proposed app, feel free to propose an alternate. Please submit any proposed changes to the requirements to me by mid-semester (i.e., don't try to cover for missing/incomplete features by trying to modify the requirements at the last minute.)


(Thank-you to Prof. Woodring for suggestions and contributions to the writeup and grading rubric.)

Updated Friday, 3 January 2025, 3:31 PM

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