Web Servers
- Review basic HTTP protocol and messages sent between the client and the server.
- At first, a URL was a machine name and a filename.
- Server simply opened the file and sent it back.
- Example: https://github.com/kurmasz-SampleCode/CIS371-SampleCode/tree/master/SimpleHTTPServer
cd ~/Documents/Courses/KurmasGVSU.github.io/Teaching/Courses/W24/CIS658/
java -cp ~/Documents/Courses/CIS371/SampleCode/SimpleHTTPServer HTMLOnlyServer
- visit
- Notice the command received:
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
- Line 42:
String command = input.readLine();
- Split into three pieces. Line 54:
String[] parts = command.split("\\s+");
- Open file
- Print headers
- print blank line
- Loop through and take from file and send as response.
- Line 42:
“Hard-Coded” Dynamic Server
- What happens when you enter a directory instead of a file?
- Return
if it exists. - Return a directory listing otherwise (sometimes.)
- Demonstrate with built-in Python server running local copy of my web page
- Return
- Key idea: The “path” part of a URL is just text. It has no official semantic meaning.
- The web server can treat/interpret it however it wants.
- Show
Generalized Dynamic Server (CGI)
- Having to customize an entire web server to run code specific to your app is not ideal.
- Creating/Maintaining a web site and a web server requires two very different skill sets.
- In some sense, the web server code is much “lower” level.
- Separate the two so those responsible can focus on their area of strength.
- Creating/Maintaining a web site and a web server requires two very different skill sets.
- Idea: If a file name has a programming language extension (
, etc.) and/or in thecgi-bin
directory, run that file and send the resulting output.- Uses
, for what it’s worth.
- Uses
- What are some “rough edges” with this approach?
- Writing a program that generates HTML as output is messy
- We need a way of passing parameters to the program. (e.g., what zip code do you want the weather for?)
Passing “parameters”
- Imagine you are writing a web app that shows the current weather.
- You need some way for the user to specify which city/zip to display.
- Ideas?
- Path
- Query string
- Pros/Cons?
- Ideas?
- URL:
- Remember that the server can interpret the path any way it likes.
. First part of path could be the page, second part the zip code.- Challenge?
- The server has to be customized to interpret the path properly.
: Common Gateway Interface- Original standard for specifying how a web server sent parameters to the external program.
- Part before
was name of script to run. - Part after
was the parameters. - e.g.,
- Notice the key/value pair.
- What details need to be worked out to make this work?
- How to handle multiple parameters?
- How to handle escaping
, etc.? - How to handle spaces and unprintable characters?
- Do a google query and look at the URL.
- Visit https://faculty.computing.gvsu.edu/kurmasz/formDemo.php and examine GET URLs generated.
defines a standard for all of this.POST
:- You can also send data in the body of the request.
- Remember the blank line after the request headers? POST data goes after that.
- Visit https://faculty.computing.gvsu.edu/kurmasz/formDemo.php and examine the POST request generated (using Network -> Payload in developer tools)
- (More on
later.) - Old CGI workflow:
- Server would separate the query string from the path and send it as input to the external script, and
- Server would read body from POST requests and send it as input to the external script.
- All external scripts were responsible for parsing these parameters to obtain useful information.
- This was usually done by common libraries to avoid duplicating code.
- Early goal: “Automate” the handling of these parameters to minimize redundant code that must appear in each script.
Writing programs that generate HTML.
- If done naively, writing programs that produce HTML as output can be quite messy.
- Idea 1a: String interpolation.
print(f"The value of x is {x}")
- Idea 1b: “Here” documents
- Analogous approaches in many languages.
- Pretend that the line
name = "bob"
is a function call that does something like get weather data, looks up a flight status, etc.
name = "bob"
doc_string = f"""
<title>My Dynamic Web Page</title>
Hello, {name}!
- “Old school” CGI perl programs looked something like this:
use POSIX;
my $time = strftime "%H:%M", localtime time;
print <<HERE
<h2> Hello, World!</h2>
<p>At the tone time time (at the server) will be $time.</p>
(from perl)
- Notice that the bulk of the code is HTML, not python/perl. This seems kind of backward.
- The next advancement was PHP which made the content of the “here” document the default, and the code was “escaped”.
- This is not a bad idea at all — many, many web sites generated using PHP.
- Limitations of PHP? Why is it not so popular?
- It was the first attempt at smoothing out the rough edges.
- First version was very simple / “quick and dirty” (e.g., no “OO”)
- Newer ideas often “bolted” on awkwardly
- As a result, many other approaches use the same key ideas, but are more elegant.
Imagine you are designing a system to create dynamic web pages. What types of features are you looking for? * A library of functions to do common tasks (so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel) * You might want to have your system just automatically call these functions for you saving even more time. * Frameworks are the result of these attempts to automate as much as possible allowing users to implement a web page with as little coding as reasonable. * When designing a framework, there is a fundamental tension between configuration and convention. * What things should be explicitly spelled out? * What things should just happen by “magic” if the code is written using certain names/patterns? * There is no right answer, which is why there is a long list of frameworks. * However, frameworks tend to follow similar patterns and have a number of things in common. * So, the goal here is not to make you an expert using any particular framework, but to highlight common patterns/techniques so that when you go to learn a specific framework, it doesn’t seem completely foreign and you have a mental model you can leverage.