Tentative schedule for CIS 163

The timeline for Prof. Adams (second six weeks) is in Blackboard under "Syllabus and Schedule"

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 10 May. Introduction
Using Git
Academic Honesty
(notes) Git Web Site
(S20 lecture)
Assign Homework 0: First Day Questions
Assign Project 1: Simple Date
Assign Homework 1: Project 1 Tests
Assign Lab 1: Black Box Testing
Due Lab 1: Black Box Testing
Wed. 12 May. Review of CIS 162
Static methods and data
Instance vs.Class methods
Testing / JUnit
Due Homework 0: First Day Questions
Fri. 14 May.
2 Mon. 17 May. More Testing
Debugging in VS Code
Java Enums
Assign Lab 2: Debugging
Tue. 18 May. Due Homework 1: Project 1 Tests
Wed. 19 May. Using arrays to hold pre-computed data
Due Lab 2: Debugging
3 Mon. 24 May. .equals vs ==
Copy constructors
parallel arrays
Assign Lab 3: References
Tue. 25 May. Due Project 1: Simple Date
Wed. 26 May. Two dimensional arrays
Intro to Model/View/Controller
Java MVC Example
Assign Project 2: Qwixx
Due Lab 3: References
Assign Lab 4: Arrays
Fri. 28 May.
4 Mon. 31 May. Memorial Day No Class
Wed. 2 Jun. Interfaces
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Textbook Chapter 8
UML Reference
Textbook Section 5.2 (notes)
Textbook Chapter 9
Due Lab 4: Arrays
5 Mon. 7 Jun. Exceptions Textbook Chapter 10 (notes)
Textbook Chapter 17
Assign Lab 5: Inheritance
Assign Homework 2: Practice Midterm
Wed. 9 Jun. Recursion (notes)
Due Lab 5: Inheritance
6 Mon. 14 Jun. Analysis of Algorithms Textbook Chapter 11 (notes)
Assign Lab 6: Recursion
Wed. 16 Jun. More Analysis / Big-O Due Lab 6: Recursion
Due Homework 2: Practice Midterm
7 Mon. 21 Jun. Exam Review Assign Lab 7: Fractals
Tue. 22 Jun. Due Project 2: Qwixx
Wed. 23 Jun. Midterm
Fri. 25 Jun. Due Lab 7: Fractals

The timeline for Prof. Adams (second six weeks) is in Blackboard under "Syllabus and Schedule"

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Wed. 12 May. Homework 0: First Day Questions
Tue. 18 May. Homework 1: Project 1 Tests
Tue. 25 May. Project 1: Simple Date
Wed. 16 Jun. Homework 2: Practice Midterm
Tue. 22 Jun. Project 2: Qwixx


Date Name Details
Mon. 10 May. Lab 1: Black Box Testing
Mon. 17 May. Lab 2: Debugging
Mon. 24 May. Lab 3: References
Wed. 26 May. Lab 4: Arrays
Mon. 7 Jun. Lab 5: Inheritance
Mon. 14 Jun. Lab 6: Recursion
Mon. 21 Jun. Lab 7: Fractals

Updated Sunday, 13 June 2021, 7:48 PM

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