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CIS 163


Spring 2021

GitHub Classroom URL:


Due Dates:

Problem Statement

You will implement and thoroughly test a program that allows users to play a single-player game of the Qwixx dice game.

You are strongly encouraged to work on this project in pairs.




You should follow a test-driven development workflow. However, instead of writing all the tests for the entire project, just write them one feature at a time. I suggest you test and implement features in this order:

  1. Roll the dice: Write tests for, then implement QwixxModel#rollDice and QwixxModel#scoreValues. When complete, pressing the Roll button should cause new die values to appear in the view. This should be complete by Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 8:00 am
  2. Select a number: Write tests for, then implement QwixxModel#numberSelected and QwixxModel#numberValues. At this point, pressing a number box should cause the View to display an 'X'. At this stage, don't worry about implementing the rules: Allow any number box to be selected. (Also, don't write too many tests, since you will have to update them soon.)
  3. Only allow number boxes to be selected if they correspond to the current values of the white dice.
  4. Only allow number boxes to be selected if they correspond to the current values of the white dice and no boxes to the right have been selected. (Now is a good time to write some more thorough tests.)
  5. After selecting number box based on the white dice, the next number box selected should be based on the colored dice.
  6. After selecting a number box, update the score. The score for a row is the summation of the number of boxes selected (1 box => 1 pt; 2 boxes => 3 points; 3 boxes -> 6 points, etc.)
  7. Implement the "can" methods (canSelect, canPassWhite, etc.) and only allow operations to occur in the correct order (dice must be rolled before selecting white dice, white dice must be used before colored dice, colored dice must be used before rolling again, etc.). To enforce the play order, have QwixxView#update enable/disable buttons based on the "can" methods.
  8. Implement QwixxModel#passWhite and QwixxModel#passColor so that users can elect not to select number boxes.
  9. Implement the penalty for not selecting any number boxes during a roll.
  10. Implement game over. (The game is over when either (a) all four penalty boxes are checked, or (b) the rightmost column in each row is crossed out.)

"Bonus" Features

Implementing the basic game only covers 90 of the 100 points in the rubric below. To get the full 100 points, you need to add one or more "bonus" features of your choice. You can choose from one of the options below, or propose something else. (Notice that not all the features below are worth exactly 10 points.)

Potential bonus features:

It is possible that your bonus feature will cause my tests to fail. Before beginning work on the bonus feature:

  1. Make sure your code passes all of the automated tests.
  2. Create a new branch named baseline (run git branch baseline). This will make it easy for me to re-run the instructor tests on the "base" project if necessary.
  3. Take a screen snapshot of your passing tests.

In other words: Make sure your code passes the automated tests, and save that passing code somewhere before making changes that are potentially incompatible with my tests.

Grading Rubric

Coding style20
Bonus feature10

Note: Points will be deducted for insufficient testing and/or not following a TDD workflow as discussed in class.

Timeliness is based on when your code passes the automated tests:

Two days early74
One day early72
On time70
Late-3 points per day

Submitting your Project

To submit your project:

  1. Make sure your name(s) appears in a comment at the top of each .java file.
  2. Double check that your bonus feature has been thoroughly tested. (Remember, the auto-grader does not check these features.)
  3. Clean up your code (check for proper indention, long lines, etc.)
  4. Make sure your code meets the standards given at the end of the "Rules" section above.
  5. Fill out checklist.txt and add it to your repository.
  6. Include a video/screencast demonstrating your project. This screencast should
    1. Demonstrate all the baseline features/rules of the game,
    2. Demonstrate your bonus feature, and
    3. Highlight / show off the features of the project you are most proud of.
  7. Commit/push with "[Grade me]" in the commit message.

Updated Monday, 17 May 2021, 3:25 PM

W3c Validation