Tentative schedule for CIS 500

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 6 Jan. Introduction (slides)
Proficiency Grading
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to PL and notebooks (notes)
Variables, expressions, and functions
General Introduction Video
Proficiency Grading Video
textbook Chapter 1
textbook Chapter 2
Assign First Day Survey
In-Class 1
HW 1
Wed. 8 Jan. Variables, expressions, functions, types, input textbook Chapter 2 In-Class 2
HW 2
2 Mon. 13 Jan. Div/Mod
Using modules / import statements
Writing Functions (notes)
textbook Section 2.3
textbook Chapter 4
textbook Chapter 3
In-Class 3 and 4
HW 3 and 4
Wed. 15 Jan. Div/Mod and functions (continued) textbook Chapter 5 In-Class 3 and 4
HW 3 and 4
3 Mon. 20 Jan. MLK Day No Class
Wed. 22 Jan. Div/Mod and functions (continued) textbook Chapter 5 In-Class 3 and 4
HW 3 and 4
4 Mon. 27 Jan. Decisions
Quiz 1: pf
  In-Class 5
HW 5
Wed. 29 Jan. Decisions (continued) In-Class 5
HW 5
5 Mon. 3 Feb. Introduction to Linux and the Command line (notes)  
textbook Chapters 6-8
HW 6
Wed. 5 Feb. Decisions follow-up
Linux follow-up
Intorduction to Loops (if time)
Quiz 2: pf, pc
textbook Chapters 6-8
6 Mon. 10 Feb. Introduction to Loops (for-each) In-Class 7
HW 7
Wed. 12 Feb. More loops
Quiz 3: pf, pc
textbook Chapter 11
7 Mon. 17 Feb. Intro to files (notes) textbook Chapter 11 In-Class 8
HW 8
Wed. 19 Feb. CSV (notes)
Quiz 4: pc, pl, cd
textbook Chapter 11 In-Classs 9
HW 9
8 Mon. 24 Feb. Stand-alone Python
Quiz 5: pl, cd
  In-Class 10
Wed. 26 Feb. File redireciton and piping in Linux
9 Mon. 10 Mar. Transforming Sequences (notes) textbook Chapter 9 In-Class 11
HW 11
Assign Project 1
Wed. 12 Mar. Building new lists (notes)
Quiz 6: cd, pl
In-Class 12
HW 12
10 Mon. 17 Mar. Dictionaries (notes)
Linux quiz 1
Dictionary Chapter from another textbook In-Class 13
HW 13
Wed. 19 Mar. More Dictionaries
Introduction to Big-O
Quiz 7: cd, lp
In-Class 14
HW 14
11 Mon. 24 Mar. Pandas Series In-Class 15
HW 15
Wed. 26 Mar. Pandas DataFrames
Quiz 8: cd, lp
Project 1 Due
12 Mon. 31 Mar. More Pandas DataFrames In-Class 16
Wed. 2 Apr. Dictionary/Set follow-up
Quiz 9: lp, ds
13 Mon. 7 Apr. Matplotlib
Linux Quiz 2
In-Class 17
Wed. 9 Apr. Regular Expressions
Quiz 10: lp, ds
Regular Expression chapter from another textbook
14 Mon. 14 Apr. Classes Miller/Ranum Chapter 2 (optional)
Wed. 16 Apr. Searching and Sorting
Quiz 11: ds
Miller/Ranum Chapter 6 (optional) Project 2 Due
15 Wed. 23 Apr. Final Exam: 4:00

Assignment List

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Updated Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 11:34 AM

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