Tentative schedule for CIS 658

Week Date Topics Notes Reading Milestones
1 Thu. 9 Jan. Introduction
Key ideas of the Original WWW
(notes) (slides)
Original WWW Proposal
Formal WWW article in the ACM magazine
Getting Started with Ruby
Due Reading 1: WWW History and Basics
Assign Homework 1: Ruby

2 Thu. 16 Jan. Basics of Networking
Web Server Implementation
Introduction to HTTP
Content Sniffing
Chapters 1 and 4 in this Free IBM ebook
HTTP: The protocol Ever Web Developer Must Know
Due Homework 1: Ruby
Assign Homework 2: Explore HTTP
3 Thu. 23 Jan. HTML
HTML Tutorial
CSS Tutorial
Assign Homework 3: CSS
4 Thu. 30 Jan. Dynamic Web Servers
CGI (query string, GET, POST)
Introduction to Frameworks
Installing Rails
Rails Routing / Initial Content
(notes) (screencast)
(demo 0) (screencast)
The Rails Doctrine
Assign Homework 4: Rails Tutorial
Due Homework 3: CSS
5 Thu. 6 Feb. Rails CRUD models / Deploy to Heroku
Validation and Testing
Associating Tables
Rails command line
(demo 1) (screencast)
(demo 2) (screencast)
(demo 3) (screencast)
Validation, Testing
Association Basics
Rails Command Line
Assign Homework 5: Bug Tracker
Due Homework 4: Rails Tutorial
6 Thu. 13 Feb. Responsive Web Design
Bootstrap and Ralils
(demo 4) (screencast)
Ethan Marcotte article
Due Homework 5: Bug Tracker
Assign Homework 6: Bootstrap
7 Thu. 20 Feb. Cookies
Due Project : Project Description
Due Homework 6: Bootstrap
Assign Homework : Midterm Review
Assign Homework 7: Javascript
8 Thu. 27 Feb. Rails API
(demo 5) Due Homework : Midterm Review
Due Homework 7: Javascript
9 Thu. 12 Mar. Single Page Apps
Creating web page using JavaScript
Introduction to JSX
(notes) (screencast)
JSX In Depth
10 Thu. 19 Mar. React Components and Props
JavaScript Spread operator
Using Closures to Save State
Introduction to State
Assign Homework 8: React
11 Thu. 26 Mar. More React
(371 lecture)
(371 lecture)
(658 lecture)
12 Thu. 2 Apr. Security Review
React and Bootstrap
Unit testing in React
JavaScript Promises
Due Homework 8: React
Assign Practice Final
13 Thu. 9 Apr. React and Bootstrap
Assign Homework : Final Review
14 Thu. 16 Apr. Final Exam Due Practice Final
Due Homework : Final Review
15 Thu. 23 Apr. Project Presentations Due Project : Semester Project

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Thu. 9 Jan. Reading 1: WWW History and Basics
Thu. 16 Jan. Homework 1: Ruby
Thu. 30 Jan. Homework 3: CSS
Thu. 6 Feb. Homework 4: Rails Tutorial Complete the tutorial and demo in class
Thu. 13 Feb. Homework 5: Bug Tracker
Thu. 20 Feb. Homework 6: Bootstrap
Thu. 20 Feb. Project : Project Description One page description due
Thu. 27 Feb. Homework : Midterm Review (Not due for credit. Watch for updates.)
Thu. 27 Feb. Homework 7: Javascript
Thu. 2 Apr. Homework 8: React
Thu. 16 Apr. Homework : Final Review (Not due for credit. Watch for updates.)
Thu. 16 Apr. Practice Final (Not due for credit.)
Thu. 23 Apr. Project : Semester Project

Updated Friday, 10 April 2020, 8:04 PM

W3c Validation