CIS 163 Computer Science II
Summer 2020
- Contact Information:
Instructor: Zachary Kurmas Office: MAK C-2-316 Phone: 331-8688 Office Hours: MW 9-10; Home page: - Office Hours:
- Official office hours are listed above. Additional office hours by appointment.
- Course Documents:
- Announcements:
- I will post announcements at Piazza. Please check there regularly.
- Discussion Board:
- Please post questions about homework, projects, etc. to Piazza. Doing so allows everybody to see the question and answer and saves me the time of answering the same question multiple times. Other students can also answer your question, which may help you get a faster response.
- Grades:
- I will post grades on Blackboard.
- Text:
The official textbook for this class is
- Java Foundations – Introduction to Program Design & Data Structures by John Lewis, Peter DePasquale, and Joseph Chase. ISBN: 978-0-13337-046-1
- Directory:
To Find Go Here Lecture Blackboard What is today's topic? Timeline When is xxx due? Timeline General / Public help Piazza Private questions E-mail me Announcements Piazza Grades Blackboard Code from lecture GitHub - Assignments:
Due Name Details Wed. 6 May. Homework 0: First Day Questions Tue. 12 May. Homework 1: Project 1 Tests Mon. 18 May. Project 1: Simple Date Mon. 8 Jun. Homework 2: Practice Midterm Wed. 17 Jun. Project 2: Qwixx Tue. 28 Jul. Project 3: Campground - Labs:
Date Name Details Wed. 6 May. Lab 1: Black Box Testing Mon. 11 May. Lab 2: Debugging Wed. 13 May. Lab 3: References Mon. 18 May. Lab 4: Arrays Wed. 3 Jun. Lab 5: Inheritance Mon. 8 Jun. Lab 6: Recursion Wed. 24 Jun. Lab 7: Big-O Wed. 1 Jul. Lab 8: Linked Lists Mon. 6 Jul. Lab 9: Sorting Wed. 15 Jul. Lab 10: More recursion Mon. 20 Jul. Lab 11: Practice Lab Exam - Reference:
- Git
- Official git web site
- Git "How To" from Prof. Dowling.
- Command summary from Prof. Dowling.
- Official git web site
- Sample Code
- UML Reference
- Git
Updated Wednesday, 22 July 2020, 6:59 PM