Tentative schedule for CIS 500

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 28 Aug. Introduction (slides)
Python Basics
Variables, input, and output (notes)
Using PrairieLearn
zyBook Sections 1.2 - 1.5; 1.9, 2.1, 2.2
Assign First Day Survey
In-Class 1
Wed. 30 Aug. Function basics (notes) zyBook Sections 6.1 and 6.4 In-Class 2
2 Mon. 4 Sep. Labor Day No Class
Tue. 5 Sep. Review of programming basics
Wed. 6 Sep. Objects (notes)
Using modules
zyBook Sections 2.3-2.10
In-Class 3
3 Mon. 11 Sep. Decisions (notes)
"Stand Alone" Python (notes)
Unit testing
zyBook Chapter 4 In-Class 4
Assign Project 1: Simple Date Module
Wed. 13 Sep. String and List Basics
Loops (notes)
zyBook Sections 3.1 and 3.3
zyBook Chapter 5
In-Class 5
Assign Project 1: Simple Date Module
4 Mon. 18 Sep. GitHub
GitHub Classroom
Wed. 20 Sep. More Loops
Quiz: cd
Fri. 22 Sep. TBD Due Project 1: Simple Date Module
5 Mon. 25 Sep. Looping by index
Additional loop techniques (break, continue, loop else)
Enumerate with lists
In-Class 6
In-Class 7 (on your own)
In-Class 8
Wed. 27 Sep. Lists (notes)
Quiz lp (cd)
zyBook Chapter 8
zyBook Section 3.4
In-Class 9
Fri. 29 Sep. Due Project 1: Simple Date Module
6 Mon. 2 Oct. Dictionaries (notes) zyBook Sections 8.12 - 8.14 In-Class 11
Wed. 4 Oct. Classes (notes)
Quiz ut (lp, cd)
zyBook Chapter 9 Assign Project 2: Wordle v1
7 Mon. 9 Oct. Loop review
Wed. 11 Oct. Sets
Quiz ut
zyBook Section 3.5
zyBook Chapter 12
In-Class 12
8 Mon. 16 Oct. Files
Wed. 18 Oct. Exceptions (notes)
Quiz ds (lp, ut)
zyBook Chapter 10
9 Mon. 23 Oct. Fall break. No class
Wed. 25 Oct. Classes zyBook Chapter 9 Due Project 2: Wordle v1
10 Mon. 30 Oct. More classes Assign Project 3: Simple Date Class
Wed. 1 Nov. Review of dictionarys, file reading, and list comprehensions
Quiz fc (ds, lp)
11 Mon. 6 Nov. Inheritance
zyBook Chapter 13
zyBook Chapter 14
Wed. 8 Nov. Inheritance zyBook Chapter 13
Fri. 10 Nov. Due Project 3: Simple Date Class
12 Mon. 13 Nov. Recursion zyBook Chapter 14 Assign Project 4: "Choose your own"
Wed. 15 Nov. Recursion
Algoritym Ananysis
zyBook Chapter 14
Miller/Ranum Chapter 3
13 Mon. 20 Nov. Searching and Sorting
Algoritym Ananysis (notes)
zkBook Chapter 16
Miller/Ranum Chapter 3
Wed. 22 Nov. Thanksgiving No class
14 Mon. 27 Nov. Searching and Sorting zkBook Chapter 16
Wed. 29 Nov. Searching and Sorting
Linked lists
zkBook Chapter 16
Miller/Ranum Chapter 4
15 Mon. 4 Dec. Stacks, Lists, Queues Miller/Ranum Chapter 4
Tue. 5 Dec. Due Project 4: "Choose your own"
Wed. 6 Dec. Stacks, Lists, Queues Miller/Ranum Chapter 4
16 Tue. 12 Dec. Final Exam: 4:00 p.m.
Wed. 13 Dec. Final Exam: 2:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m.

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Fri. 29 Sep. Project 1: Simple Date Module
Wed. 25 Oct. Project 2: Wordle v1
Fri. 10 Nov. Project 3: Simple Date Class
Tue. 5 Dec. Project 4: "Choose your own"


Date Name Details

Updated Monday, 4 December 2023, 1:26 PM

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