CIS 500 Fundamentals of Software Practice
Fall 2023

Contact Information:
Instructor: Zachary Kurmas Office: MAK C-2-316
Phone: (616)-331-8688 Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30 (DCIH)
Home page: TTh 3:00 - 4:00 (DCIH)
T 1:00-2:00 (MAK)
E-mail is the best way to contact me. During the week, expect a reply within 24 hours. Also, feel free to visit my office any time the door is open, even if it isn't officially office hours.
Course Documents:
I will post announcements at Piazza. Please check there regularly.
Discussion Board:
Please post questions about homework, projects, etc. to Piazza. Doing so allows everybody to see the question and answer and saves me the time of answering the same question multiple times. Other students can also answer your question, which may help you get a faster response.
To access the PrairieLearn module for this course, visit Choose "Log in with Google" and use your GVSU gmail account credentials.
I will push a grade report into your Progress Report git repository about once per week.
The official textbooks for this class is are This is an online textbook accessible through To access the book:
  1. Sign in or create an account at
  2. Enter zyBook code: GVSUCIS500Fall2023
  3. Subscribe

Updated Monday, 4 December 2023, 1:26 PM

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