Week 1 - Day 1
- Office Hours
- If the door is open, feel free to come in and ask questions
- I like mouthy students
- Feel free to have fun (within reason)
- Don’t hesitate to declare a (non-course) subject “off limits”. No need to explain.
- No textbook
- If you can’t program “fluently”, the course will be very difficult
- Piazza vs. Discord
- GitHub accounts
- Semester Project
- Start thinking about project now.
- Needs to be more innovative than a few “CRUD” pages.
- You can improve an existing app, provided you make a substantial, innovative, non-trivial improvement.
- Applying an app to a new domain “Yelp for U-Pick blueberries” is acceptable provided the change is non-trivial
(i.e., more than just a “re-skin” / relabeling of fields.)
- “Big Picture” of this course
- Not just to teach web technologies, but also “big picture” underlying the technologies.
- You can learn the web technologies from web pages and video tutorials, but
- Tutorials will just teach you “magic words”
- The problem is that when the magic words don’t work, your only recourse is go to back to the Internet for
different magic words
- My goal is to teach you the general principles underlying the technology so that when the obvious thing doesn’t
work as expected, you have the context needed to investigate/debug the problem.
- Debugging by trial-and-error is horribly inefficient
- Relying on solutions you don’t understand is dangerous (from a business perspective)
- Relate Spectrum experience (Is it the server, the network, the firewall, the password rotation, etc.)
- Switch to Browsers and Servers notes
Week 1 Day 2: Origins of the Web
Week 1 – Day and 3