Tentative schedule for CIS 263

Week Date Topics Reading Milestones
1 Mon. 26 Aug. Introduction to C++ Browse the Stroustrup C++ Reference
Chapter 1 of the zyBook
Assign Survey : First Day Survey
Assign Homework 1: Big-O
Wed. 28 Aug. Pointers and References
Copy constructors / assignment operators
Chapters 2 and 3 of zyBook
Catch unit test framework
Due Survey : First Day Survey
Assign Homework 2: Binary Search
2 Mon. 2 Sep. No Class
Wed. 4 Sep. Move operations
const methods
Unit testing with Catch
Introduction to data structures
Review of big-O
Review of searching and sorting
Assign Reading 2: Chapter 4
3 Mon. 9 Sep. Review of List ADT/Linked list
Chapter 4 of zyBook Assign Homework 3: Lists
Wed. 11 Sep. Amortized Analysis (why vector grows by 2x)
Subtle advantages of vector and linked list
Due Homework 1: Big-O
Assign Reading 3: Chapter 5
4 Mon. 16 Sep. Search lower bound
Radix Sort
Introduction to hashing
Chapter 5 of zyBook Due Homework 2: Binary Search
Wed. 18 Sep.
5 Mon. 23 Sep. Trees
Binary search trees
Chapter 6 of zyBook Due Homework 3: Lists
Assign Homework 4: Hash
Wed. 25 Sep. Basic BST implementation Chatper 7 of zyBook
6 Mon. 30 Sep. Traversals
Parse Trees
Wed. 2 Oct. Balanced Trees (AVL) Due Reading 1: Chapters 1 through 3
Fri. 4 Oct. Due Homework 4: Hash
7 Mon. 7 Oct. Heaps Chapter 8 of zyBook Assign Homework 5: Tree
Assign Practice Test 1
Wed. 9 Oct. Due Reading 2: Chapter 4
8 Mon. 14 Oct. Test 1 Test 1
Due Practice Test 1
Wed. 16 Oct. B-Trees
External sorting
Weiss Section 4.7
Weiss Section 7.12
Due Reading 3: Chapter 5
9 Mon. 21 Oct. No class (Fall Break)
Wed. 23 Oct. Disjoint Sets (Find/Union) Weiss Chapter 8 Due Homework 5: Tree
Assign Practice Test 2
10 Mon. 28 Oct. P, NP, NP-Complete Weiss Chapter 10
Wed. 30 Oct. Greedy algorithms Weiss Section 10.1 Assign Homework 6: Tree Iterator
11 Mon. 4 Nov. More first fit Weiss Section 10.1.3
Wed. 6 Nov. Divide and Conquer
Closest Points
Weiss Section 10.2
12 Mon. 11 Nov. Dynamic Programming Due Practice Test 2
Wed. 13 Nov. Dynamic Programming Due Homework 6: Tree Iterator
13 Mon. 18 Nov. Test 2 Test 2
Wed. 20 Nov. Randomized Algorithms Assign Homework 7: Closest Pair
Assign Practice Final
14 Mon. 25 Nov. Randomized Algorithms
Wed. 27 Nov. No class
15 Mon. 2 Dec.
Wed. 4 Dec.
Fri. 6 Dec. Due Homework 7: Closest Pair
16 Mon. 9 Dec.
Wed. 11 Dec. Final Exam
Due Practice Final

Assignment List

Due Name Details
Wed. 28 Aug. Survey : First Day Survey
Wed. 11 Sep. Homework 1: Big-O
Mon. 16 Sep. Homework 2: Binary Search
Mon. 23 Sep. Homework 3: Lists
Wed. 2 Oct. Reading 1: Chapters 1 through 3 zyBooks Chapters 1-3
Fri. 4 Oct. Homework 4: Hash
Wed. 9 Oct. Reading 2: Chapter 4 zyBooks Chapter 4
Mon. 14 Oct. Practice Test 1 (Not due for credit.)
Wed. 16 Oct. Reading 3: Chapter 5 zyBooks Chapter 5
Wed. 23 Oct. Homework 5: Tree
Mon. 11 Nov. Practice Test 2 (Not due for credit.)
Wed. 13 Nov. Homework 6: Tree Iterator
Fri. 6 Dec. Homework 7: Closest Pair
Wed. 11 Dec. Practice Final (Not due for credit.)


Date Name Details

Updated Saturday, 23 November 2019, 12:00 PM

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