Week 10 / Day 1
- NP means “Non-deterministic polynomial time”.
- Algorithm will run in polynomial time, if the algorithm can make an optimal guess at each stage.
- Easier to think of it as an algorithm whose answer can be verified in polynomial time.
- Of course, all algorithms that run in polynomial time (i.e, “P”) are in NP.
- List some problems not known to be in P:
- Travelling salesman problem
- Satisfiability
- Colorability. (Not the four-color map problem!)
- Max clique
- Bin packing
- Similar problems can go from very easy to very hard
- Schedule jobs to minimize waiting time is in P.
- Minimize final completion time on a multi-processor is in NP.
- Cook-Levin theorem
- The Halting Problem
boolean will_halt(string code, string input)
- What does
will_halt(troublemaker, troublemaker)
boolean troublemaker(string code, string input) {
if (will_halt(code, input)) {
while (true);
} else {
return false;
- The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_correspondence_problem(Post correspondence problem)
- Consider an alphabet of symbols (e.g., “a”, and “b”)
- Define two sets of n words
- Can you find a sequence of indexes i1, i2, i3, … such that such that Ai1, Ai2, Ai3, … = Bi1, Bi2, Bi3, …
- In this case (3, 2, 3, 1) is a solution.
- In general, no algorithm is guaranteed to find a solution.
- Determining whether a player has a winning strategy in Magic the Gathering is undecidable.
Week 10 / Day 2
Greedy algorithms
- What is a “greedy” algorithm. Give examples
- Giving change
- Job scheduling to minimize average wait time
- Just schedule shortest job first.
- Extends to multi-processor system. Given
processors, just sort by time then schedule in batches of P
- Note: Minimizing total completion time, although it sounds similar is much more difficult.
- Big picture:
- Small changes to problem definition can make big changes in running time.
- Knowing what problems are NP-complete, and how to do reductions can help you avoid spending a lot of time
trying to find an ideal solution when none exists (in practice).
- Huffman Codes
- Huffman Codes
- Using 8 bits for each ASCII character is not optimal because some letters are used much more often than others.
- Let more frequently used letters have shorter codes.
- Combine trees with lowest total frequency.
- This algorithm provides optimal tree
- This is a greedy algorithm because we can make an optimal step by looking at individual nodes (rather than having
to consider the complete global picture).
- Contrast with Max Clique, where there is no “greedy” choice that works (e.g., looking at biggest vertexes first
doesn’t help.)
- Where greedy algorithms don’t work: Bin Packing
- Pack
items of given size into as few containers as possible.
- (Normalize containers to size 1. Package sizes must then be < 1.)
- Two versions:
- Online: Each item must be assigned a container as it arrives.
- Offline: Get to see the entire set of items before making a decision.
- Is there an online bin packing algorithm that will give an optimal solution (i.e., a solution as good as the
optimal off-line solution?)
- No. Consider
items of 1/2 - ε followed by M
items of 1/2 + ε. An optimal on-line
algorithm must put each of the first M
items in a separate bin, so each of the next M
can be paired accordingly.
However, a different workload with only the small items must be packed two to a container. The online algorithm
has no way of knowing which workload it has currently.
- Any online algorithm can be forced to use at least 4/3 of the optimal number of bins. Why
- Have students try to come up with worst-case
- Think in terms of the “adversary”. Given any online bin packing algorithm, the adversary can construct an
input to force an output 4/3 of of optimal or worse.
- Suppose the workload starts out with 100 “small” boxes (size 1/2 - ε)
What must algorithm do so adversary can’t just top and call “foul?”
- If algorithm pairs the small boxes up, the adversary can switch to large boxes, which will
eventually become sub-optimal. (For example, if you stack for small boxes in two piles, adversary will then
send 4 large boxes, giving you 6 instead of optimal 4. FAIL.)
- If algorithm doesn’t pair small boxes, adversary just declars end of input when current state is sub-optimal.
- Next fit: It either fits in previous box or starts a new box:
- What is running time for
items? O(n)
- How bad can this get? 2x. Look at pairs of filled bins. Sum of each pair must be at least 1,
otherwise they would have been combined.
- Is the 2x factor “tight” (i.e., is there a sequence of package sizes that results in a
number of bins?)
- Have students try to come up with worst-case
- Alternate boxes of size
and 2/N
. Optimally uses N/4 + 1 boxes. But algorithm will use N/2 boxes.
- First fit: Place item into first box into which it fits.
- What is running time for
items? Naively O(n^2)
. Can be done in O(n log n)
- What is worst case?
- Have students try to come up with worst-case
- about
- Consider
of 1/7 + ε followed by 6M
of 1/3 + ε followed by 6M
of 1/2 + ε
- Will use
bins (M
for the 1/7, 3M
for the 1/3 and 6M
for the 1/2)
- Optimal is
- Average case for random inputs is only 1.02. Pretty good!.
- Best fit: Place in tightest space.
- Sounds good; but, has similar worst cases.