CIS 263 Data Structures and Algorithms
Fall 2019

Contact Information:
Instructor: Zachary Kurmas Office: MAK C-2-316
Phone: 331-8688 Office Hours: MW 3:00-4:00; M 5:15-6:00
Home page: F 11:00-12:00
Office Hours:
Official office hours are listed above. I make a point of being in my office during these times. However, I am typically on campus from 9 to 4 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and most Tuesdays. Feel free to stop by my office whenever you have a question.
Course Documents:
I will post announcements at Piazza. Please check there regularly.
Discussion Board:
Please post questions about homework, projects, etc. to Piazza. Doing so allows everybody to see the question and answer and saves me the time of answering the same question multiple times. Other students can also answer your question, which may help you get a faster response.
I will post grades on Blackboard.
Due Name Details
Wed. 28 Aug. Survey : First Day Survey
Wed. 11 Sep. Homework 1: Big-O
Mon. 16 Sep. Homework 2: Binary Search
Mon. 23 Sep. Homework 3: Lists
Wed. 2 Oct. Reading 1: Chapters 1 through 3 zyBooks Chapters 1-3
Fri. 4 Oct. Homework 4: Hash
Wed. 9 Oct. Reading 2: Chapter 4 zyBooks Chapter 4
Mon. 14 Oct. Practice Test 1 (Not due for credit.)
Wed. 16 Oct. Reading 3: Chapter 5 zyBooks Chapter 5
Wed. 23 Oct. Homework 5: Tree
Mon. 11 Nov. Practice Test 2 (Not due for credit.)
Wed. 13 Nov. Homework 6: Tree Iterator
Fri. 6 Dec. Homework 7: Closest Pair
Wed. 11 Dec. Practice Final (Not due for credit.)
  • We will use the Data Structures Essentials zyBook from Zyante. Please use book code GVSUCIS263KurmasFall2019.
  • I will also use A tour of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup as a C++ reference. It is available online through the GVSU library.
  • Finally, I will draw some lecture material from the Weiss text. It is expensive, so I wouldn't buy your own copy unless you really need it.
    • Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (4th edition) by Mark Allen Weiss. ISBN: 9780132847377
Lecture Notes:

Updated Saturday, 23 November 2019, 12:00 PM

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