CIS 351

Lab 8: Finish Single Cycle CPU

Fall 2018

For this lab, you will use JLS to complete the Single Cycle CPU described in Chapter 7 of the Harris and Harris textbook (Chapter 4 in the Patterson and Hennessey textbook).


You will need to understand


For this lab, you going to complete the single-cycle CPU discussed in Chapter 7 of the Harris and Harris textbook. You will need to

  1. Add the missing connections to StarterCPU.jls for j, sw, and lw.
  2. Complete the CPU's microcode. (Use starterMicrocode as a sample.)
  3. Add jal and jr to your CPU.
  4. Modify the CPU so that unsigned and logical operations have their immediate values zero-extended instead of sign-extended.
  5. Determine the optimal clock period.

Your complete CPU should support these instructions:

Name Mnemonic Format OpCode
(in hex)
Func Code
(in hex)
Add add R 0 20
Add Unsigned addu R 0 21
Add Immediate addi I 8
Add Immediate Unsigned addiu I 9
And and R 0 24
And Immediate andi I c
Branch if Equal beq I 4
Branch on Not Equal bne I 5
Halt halt   20
Jump j J 2
Jump and link jal J 3
Jump Register jr R 0 08
Load Word lw I 23
Load Upper Immediate lui I F
Nor nor R 0 27
Or or R 0 25
Or Immediate ori I d
Set Less Than slt R 0 2a
Set Less Than Unsigned sltu R 0 2b
Set Less Than Immediate slti I a
Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned sltiu I b
Store Word sw I 2b
Subtract sub R 0 22
Subtract Unsigned subu R 0 23
Xor xor R 0 26
Xor Immediate xori I e


This CPU will use a very simple microcode controller that essentially just looks up the control wires values from a table. (Examine the Control subcircuit in the starter CPU to see how it works.) The control unit loads the lookup table from a file named singleCycleMicrocode.This file must be in the current working directory (otherwise, JLS won't find it, and will silently load the microcode lookup table with all 0s). The file format is a list of address-value pairs. The address is either (a) the opcode, or (b) the the function code plus 0x40 for R-type instructions. The value is the values of the control wires bundled together. Both addresses and values are in hexadecimal.

Bits Control wire / Sequencing
15 halt
15 unused
13 unused
12 unused
11 Jump
10 RegWrite
9 ALUsrc
8 MemWrite
4-7 ALUop
3 MemToReg
2 MemRead
1 Branch
0 RegDest

Use starterMicrocode as a sample and starting point.

# All values are in hex # I-type and J-type instructions. # left column is op code in hex 00 0000 # no-op 08 0620 # addi 20 8000 # Halt # R-type instructions. # left column is 0x40 + function code. 40 0000 # no-op (opcode and func code 0) 60 0421 # add (function code 20)

Other Instructions

Stay tuned. I'm sure I forgot something.



To test your CPU, you have it execute assembly code, then check that the registers and memory contain the expected values. You are responsible for writing code to thoroughly test your CPU. I am providing only the demonstration test files below. They are nowhere near a complete test of your CPU:

Running tests automatically

The JLSCircuitTester suite contains a program,jlsCPUTester, that takes as input (1) yourJLS circuit and (2) a file containing MIPS assembly code and
  1. assembles the file into MIPS machine code,
  2. simulates the running of your CPU with the machine code,
  3. runs the machine code using MARS (a SPIM-like CPU simulator), and
  4. compares the final state of your CPU to that calculated by MARS.


As with previous projects, all the executable code needed for this lab is in /home/kurmasz/public/CS451/bin. If you add this directory to your path, you will be able to run all test scripts directly from the command line. If you choose not to add this directory to your path, you will have to use the full path name when launching the scripts below. To run the test scripts on your own machine, you must follow the JLSCircuitTesterinstallation instructions.

As always, please tell me as soon as possible if you have any problems.

(If you are in Prof. Kurmas's section, I recommend you complete this assignment on the EOS machines so you can test your CPU without having to install the testing program.)


  1. Registers 0, 1, and 25-31 have special purposes in MIPS. Be careful when writing MIPS assembly code using these registers explicitly. Although it won't affect the running of your CPU under JLS, it may affect how MARS simulates your code and, thus, affect whether jlsCPUTester detects some bugs.
  2. Be aware of pseudo instructions when writing MIPS code. For example, lw $16, val1 is a pseudo instruction. It won't work unless both lui and lw work.

Running tests by hand

To debug your CPU, you may want to run test programs by hand. The Instruction Memory I provided is configured to load instructions from a file named instructions. You will want to maintain several different test programs. Make sure these programs are not namedinstructions, and simply copy (not move) the program you want to test to instructions. Once you have copied the file, JLS will automatically load instruction memory with the desired program. (The file instructions must be in the current working directory. This is the directory from which you launched JLS. Be careful when launching JLS from an icon because it may not be obvious which directory is the current working directory.)

Similarly, make sure your microcode is in a file named singleCycleMicrocode and that the file is located in the current working directory (i.e., the directory from which you launch JLS).

The JLSCircuitTester suite contains marsAssembler, a program that will take assembly files as input and generate MIPS code formatted for use as aninstructions file: The file contains two columns. The first is the word address of the instruction in hex, and the second is the MIPS binary instruction in hex. Currently marsAssembler writes only to the standard output. Use file redirection to save the output to a file.

To examine the results of your program, place a watch on any registers of interest and the RAM unit for Main Memory. When simulating the CPU, I like to set the "Step" value equal to the clock period.

Submission and grading

This assignment will be worth 50 points, divided as follows:

Basic instructions (add, addi, beq etc.) 10 points
Load and Store 4 points
j 4 points
bne 4 points
jal 4 points
jr 4 points
correct sign extension 4 points
"tight" clock period 2 points
neatness / documentation 4 points (This means add comments! Please put the clock configuration in one of the comments.)
timeliness 10 points (+2 if early, -2 for each day late.)


Note: It may not be possible to effectively test some instructions if others are broken. For example, it is not possible to test lw without first using an I-type instruction to load the base register. The list above reflects my testing order. If it is not possible to easily test instruction y because instruction x is broken, you will receive 0 points for instruction y. Thus, if your I-type instructions are broken, you will likely receive a 0 for the assignment.

Add a text box to your jls files that includes

When you are convinced your CPU works, e-mail me both your CPU and microcode files.


Updated Sunday, 4 November 2018, 8:12 PM

W3c Validation