CIS 351

Project 3: Build an ALU

Fall 2018

Build an ALU using JLS

Combine your adder, adder/subtracter, and comparator from previous projects into a single ALU. Notice that you will not be implementing the ALU described in the textbook. Your ALU will have different operations and op codes.

Your ALU must perform the following 16-bit operations:

Unsigned addition 0
Unsigned subtraction 1
And 2
Or 3
Not 4
Xor 5
lui 6
sltu 7
Signed addition 8
Signed subtraction 9
slt 15

Hints and shortcuts


This assignment will be scored out of 30 points.

Category Rubric Maximum Score
Not attempted 0
Passes some tests 1 point per op
Passes all tests 17
Date 100% correct
Two days early 12
One day early 11
On time 10
One day late 8
(-2 per day) ...
Five or more days late 0
Documentation and Neatness 3



To submit your project:

  1. Add a text box to your jls files that includes
  2. Either

Updated Wednesday, 17 October 2018, 3:14 PM

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